We are the Shadows

We were once pure souls, unable to cross to the other side. Souls that lost their way turn dark and wicked, suffering in eternal agony, feeling nothing but the hunger and need to fill the emptiness inside. Only when they receive their most desired cravings can their souls finally rest in peace.

Gameplay Instructions:

Collect Ingredients:

Use the map to gather the finest ingredients.

Cook for the Spirits:

Select items from your inventory and press the center of the table when ready.

Serve the Spirits:

Ring the doorbell to summon a spirit, then select and serve the prepared food.

Make Them Happy:

Successfully cooking a delicious meal will release the spirit, while failing will make them angry.

Controls  (shown on Options screen in-game):

  • Mouse: Select ingredients.
  • Movement: Use W, A, S, D or arrow keys to move the character on the map.
  • Call new customer: C
  • Mix/make new item: M
  • Open inventory: I
  • Open menu: ESC

Made for Pirate Game Jam 15. Game Design Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/131p3mlCsMNzwX-jmnPdOeeuZHtlbLK-NG8ZZ9q304hQ


Game Design Document
shadows-release.zip 15 MB

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